Kunjungan pasien dapat didefinisikan sebagai interaksi pasien terhadap suatu layanan Fasyankes. Sebagai contoh, dalam satu rangkaian rawat jalan, seluruh rangkaian dapat didefinisikan sebagai satu “Encounter”. Data-data kunjungan pasien yang direkam meliputi kapan pertemuan tersebut mulai dan selesai, siapa tenaga kesehatan yang melayani, siapa subjek dari pelayanannya, dan informasi pendukung lainnya.
Berisi satu atau lebih daftar data mengenai informasi terkait kode atau nomor kunjungan yang dimiliki oleh lokasi induk yang setiap datanya direpresentasikan dengan tipe data Identifier.
The identifier recommended for display and use in real-world interactions which should be used when such identifier is different from the "official" identifier.
The identifier considered to be most trusted for the identification of this item. Sometimes also known as "primary" and "main". The determination of "official" is subjective and implementation guides often provide additional guidelines for use.
A temporary identifier.
An identifier that was assigned in secondary use - it serves to identify the object in a relative context, but cannot be consistently assigned to the same object again in a different context.
The identifier id no longer considered valid, but may be relevant for search purposes. E.g. Changes to identifier schemes, account merges, etc.
Contoh encounter.identifier
Berisi data status tahapan dari kunjungan pasien dengan tipe data code, yang nilainya mengacu pada data terminologi EncounterStatus (http://hl7.org/fhir/encounter-status).
The Encounter has not yet started.
In Progress
The Encounter has begun and the patient is present / the practitioner and the patient are meeting.
On Hold
The Encounter has begun, but is currently on hold, e.g. because the patient is temporarily on leave.
The Encounter has been clinically completed, the patient has been discharged from the facility or the visit has ended, and the patient may have departed (refer to subjectStatus). While the encounter is in this status, administrative activities are usually performed, collating all required documentation and charge information before being released for billing, at which point the status will move to completed.
The Encounter has ended.
The Encounter has ended before it has begun.
The Encounter has started, but was not able to be completed. Further action may need to be performed, such as rescheduling appointments related to this encounter.
Entered in Error
This instance should not have been part of this patient's medical record.
The encounter status is unknown. Note that "unknown" is a value of last resort and every attempt should be made to provide a meaningful value other than "unknown".
Berisi satu atau lebih data penyimpanan waktu/log dari kunjungan pasien dengan tipe data Period
The Encounter has not yet started.
In Progress
The Encounter has begun and the patient is present / the practitioner and the patient are meeting.
On Hold
The Encounter has begun, but is currently on hold, e.g. because the patient is temporarily on leave.
The Encounter has been clinically completed, the patient has been discharged from the facility or the visit has ended, and the patient may have departed (refer to subjectStatus). While the encounter is in this status, administrative activities are usually performed, collating all required documentation and charge information before being released for billing, at which point the status will move to completed.
The Encounter has ended.
The Encounter has ended before it has begun.
The Encounter has started, but was not able to be completed. Further action may need to be performed, such as rescheduling appointments related to this encounter.
Entered in Error
This instance should not have been part of this patient's medical record.
The encounter status is unknown. Note that "unknown" is a value of last resort and every attempt should be made to provide a meaningful value other than "unknown".
Diisi dengan waktu mulai, sama dengan waktu dimulainya suatu status kunjungan dalam format YYYY-MM-DD
. Contoh: "2022-06-14T07:00:00+07:00"
Diisi dengan waktu mulai, sama dengan waktu berakhirnya suatu status kunjungan dalam format YYYY-MM-DD
. Contoh: "2022-06-14T07:00:00+07:00"
Berisi data klasifikasi dari pertemuan pasien dengan tipe data Coding
, yang nilainya mengacu pada salah satu data terminologi dengan nama ActEncounterCode.
Encounter.class.code & Encounter.class.display
A comprehensive term for health care provided in a healthcare facility (e.g. a practitioneraTMs office, clinic setting, or hospital) on a nonresident basis. The term ambulatory usually implies that the patient has come to the location and is not assigned to a bed. Sometimes referred to as an outpatient encounter.
A patient encounter that takes place at a dedicated healthcare service delivery location where the patient receives immediate evaluation and treatment, provided until the patient can be discharged or responsibility for the patient's care is transferred elsewhere (for example, the patient could be admitted as an inpatient or transferred to another facility.)
A patient encounter that takes place both outside a dedicated service delivery location and outside a patient's residence. Example locations might include an accident site and at a supermarket.
home health
Healthcare encounter that takes place in the residence of the patient or a designee
inpatient encounter
A patient encounter where a patient is admitted by a hospital or equivalent facility, assigned to a location where patients generally stay at least overnight and provided with room, board, and continuous nursing service.
inpatient acute
An acute inpatient encounter.
inpatient non-acute
Any category of inpatient encounter except 'acute'
observation encounter
An encounter where the patient usually will start in different encounter, such as one in the emergency department (EMER) but then transition to this type of encounter because they require a significant period of treatment and monitoring to determine whether or not their condition warrants an inpatient admission or discharge. In the majority of cases the decision about admission or discharge will occur within a time period determined by local, regional or national regulation, often between 24 and 48 hours.
A patient encounter where patient is scheduled or planned to receive service delivery in the future, and the patient is given a pre-admission account number. When the patient comes back for subsequent service, the pre-admission encounter is selected and is encapsulated into the service registration, and a new account number is generated. Usage Note: This is intended to be used in advance of encounter types such as ambulatory, inpatient encounter, virtual, etc.
short stay
An encounter where the patient is admitted to a health care facility for a predetermined length of time, usually less than 24 hours.
A patient encounter where the patient and the practitioner(s) are not in the same physical location. Examples include telephone conference, email exchange, robotic surgery, and televideo conference.
Last updated